Town Hall 15 was released a while ago, and many players have already upgraded to the new Town Hall level. If you are one of those players, you might wonder what to upgrade first. Town Hall 15 adds two new defensive buildings to the village.
You will be getting two Spell Towers and a Monolith as a TH15. That’s not all; Town Hall 15 has four new pets for your heroes and a bunch of new levels for your troops.
Additionally, you will get 20 extra troop housing spaces after upgrading your army camps and an additional five housing space in your Clan Castle on upgrade. Let’s head to the upgrade order now.
Let’s start with the good old Laboratory that has always been our top priority at every Town Hall level. You should upgrade your Laboratory right away if you have a book of building. The new Laboratory will give you access to more potent and better troop levels.
Laboratory to level 13 upgrade cost: 12,500,000 Elixirs
Laboratory to level 13 upgrade time: 12 days
Get New Buildings
Town Hall 15 update added three new defensive buildings to the game: Monolith and two Spell Towers. We just need to build these buildings for now. Use two builders on this upgrade.
Use one builder to build Monolith and another to build Spell Tower, and then build another Spell Tower whenever you have a free builder. You should not upgrade these new buildings for now.
We will work on them later in the guide. Building these new defenses will buff your village’s defense by a good percentage. You should not skip this one if you like wars or you are in the legend league.
Spell Tower build cost: 14,000,000 Gold
Spell Tower build time: 14 days
Monolith build cost: 300,000 Dark Elixirs
Monolith build time: 18 days
Army Camps
Town Hall 15 brings new Army Camps level, increasing your total troop housing capacity to 320. It is recommended to use two Builders to upgrade your Army Camps at a time.
If other builders are free from the upgrades mentioned above, use them on the remaining two Army Camps.
Army Camp to level 12 upgrade cost: 19,000,000 Elixirs
Army Camp to level 12 upgrade time: 16 days
Clan Castle
Town Hall 15 adds a new Clan Castle level to your village. Use a Builder on your Clan Castle, so you get those extra five spaces when requesting troops.
Clan Castle is a high-priority upgrade because it helps it is useful for both defending and attacking. You can’t defend your base without proper Clan Castle troops.
Clan Castle to level 11 upgrade cost: 20,000,000 Elixirs
Clan Castle to level 11 upgrade time: 20 days
Elixir Storages
You will need a lot of Elixirs to upgrade your Grand Warden, troops, and Pet House. Get your storages ready, so you have enough storage capacity for upgrading the Pet House.
Note: You should skip all of the storage upgrades (including Gold and Dark Elixir Storage) if you have a gold pass.
Elixir Storage to level 16 upgrade cost: 6,500,000 Gold
Elixir Storage to level 16 upgrade time: 12 days
Pet House
Pet House gets 4 new levels at Town Hall 15, giving you access to four new pets. You should specify one builder for your Pet House to take it to level 8 as soon as possible.
Knowing the right upgrade order for pets can help you effectively max out your pets. The following Pets will be unlocked after each upgrade of Pet House:
You can finally replace L.A.S.S.I and Electro Owl with something better😉.
Level | Upgrade Cost (Elixirs) | Upgrade Time |
5 | 19,750,000 | 19 days |
6 | 20,000,000 | 19 days, 6 hours |
7 | 20,250,000 | 19 days, 12 hours |
8 | 20,500,000 | 19 days, 18 hours |
Workshop gets a new level at Town Hall 15 that unlocks the new Battle Drill. This new Siege Machine drills through the ground like Miners avoiding all the damage and walls.
Battle Drill stuns its target for 2 seconds which can be used to reset single-target Inferno Towers.
Workshop to level 7 upgrade cost: 19,000,000 Elixirs
Workshop to level 7 upgrade time: 18 days
Dark Elixir Storage
We will need a lot of Dark Elixir for those new hero levels. Use a builder to work on your Dark Elixir storage, so we don’t run out of storage capacity when upgrading the Monolith.
Dark Elixir Storage to level 10 upgrade cost: 12,500,000 Elixirs
Dark Elixir Storage to level 10 upgrade time: 15 days
Monolith to Level 2
It’s time to work on our defenses now. Monolith was added to the game with Town Hall 15. This new defensive building is stronger than Inferno Towers.
Monolith is a nightmare for high HP troops. It deals a fraction of the damage to the total health of its target. It takes Dark Elixir to upgrade, and you will need an upgraded Dark Elixir storage to take it to level 2.
Monolith to level 2 upgrade cost: 360,000 Dark Elixirs
Monolith to level 2 upgrade time: 19 days
Gold Storages
We will need an increased storage capacity to work on the new upgrade. Put all of your builders on Gold Storage upgrades so we can store enough gold for upgrading our defenses.
Gold Storage to level 16 upgrade cost: 6,500,000 Elixirs
Gold Storage to level 16 upgrade time: 12 days
You should specify two builders for the hero upgrades. Heroes are the key to winning attacks at every Town Hall level. Each hero got 10 new upgrade levels at Town Hall 15.
You cannot rate any Hero above the other. All of the heroes are extremely useful, and you should upgrade them together instead of taking one hero to the maximum level at a time.
Archer Queen, Barbarian King, Grand Warden, and Royal Champion receive 10 new level upgrades at Town Hall 15.
Archer Queen Levels
Level | Upgrade Cost (Dark Elixir) | Upgrade Time |
81 | 334,000 | 8 days |
82 | 338,000 | 8 days |
83 | 342,000 | 8 days |
84 | 346,000 | 8 days |
85 | 350,000 | 8 days |
86 | 352,000 | 8 days |
87 | 354,000 | 8 days |
88 | 356,000 | 8 days |
89 | 358,000 | 8 days |
90 | 360,000 | 8 days |
Barbarian King Levels
Level | Upgrade Cost (Dark Elixir) | Upgrade Time |
81 | 330,000 | 8 days |
82 | 335,000 | 8 days |
83 | 340,000 | 8 days |
84 | 345,000 | 8 days |
85 | 350,000 | 8 days |
86 | 352,000 | 8 days |
87 | 354,000 | 8 days |
88 | 356,000 | 8 days |
89 | 358,000 | 8 days |
90 | 360,000 | 8 days |
Grand Warden Levels
Level | Upgrade Cost (Elixir) | Upgrade Time |
56 | 19,200,000 | 8 days |
57 | 19,400,000 | 8 days |
58 | 19,600,000 | 8 days |
59 | 19,800,000 | 8 days |
60 | 20,000,000 | 8 days |
61 | 20,200,000 | 8 days |
62 | 20,400,000 | 8 days |
63 | 20,600,000 | 8 days |
64 | 20,800,000 | 8 days |
65 | 21,000,000 | 8 days |
Royal Champion Levels
Level | Upgrade Cost (Dark Elixir) | Upgrade Time |
31 | 325,000 | 8 days |
32 | 330,000 | 8 days |
33 | 335,000 | 8 days |
34 | 340,000 | 8 days |
35 | 345,000 | 8 days |
36 | 347,000 | 8 days |
37 | 349,000 | 8 days |
38 | 351,000 | 8 days |
39 | 353,000 | 8 days |
40 | 355,000 | 8 days |
Spell Towers to Level 3
Let’s work on these amazing new defense buildings now. I would put Spell Tower on top of my defense-building tier list.
Spell Tower allows you to select three different spells: Invisibility Spell, Rage Spell, and Poison Spell. Let one of your builders upgrade your Spell Towers to give you a huge defense buff.
Spell Towers will change the way anyone attacks a village. You cannot ignore the placement of the Spell Tower while attacking Town Hall 15. You will need a lot more planning now to three-star a Town Hall 15.
Level | Upgrade Cost (Gold) | Upgrade Time |
2 | 16,000,000 | 16 days |
3 | 18,000,000 | 18 days |
Giga Inferno
Town Hall 15 gets no new signature weapon. Instead, it will use Town Hall 14’s Giga Inferno. Upgrading your Town Hall’s Giga Inferno will increase its range and damage.
Giga Inferno is one of the strongest defenses in the game, so you should upgrade it as soon as possible.
Level | Upgrade Cost (Gold) | Upgrade Time |
2 | 10,000,000 | 9 days |
3 | 12,000,000 | 11 days |
4 | 14,000,000 | 13 days |
5 | 16,000,000 | 14 days |
Eagle Artillery
At Town Hall 15, the Eagle Artillery receives a significant boost in its statistics with a new level upgrade, reaching level 6.
Upgrading this powerful defensive building will greatly improve your ability to repel the powerful heroes and troops that Town Hall 15 players have. Strengthening your Eagle Artillery becomes crucial in maintaining a strong defense and ensuring the safety of your base.
Eagle Artillery to level 6 upgrade cost: 21,500,000 Gold
Eagle Artillery to level 6 upgrade time: 20 days
The Scattershot outshines the Inferno Tower due to its high damage per second and the ability to inflict splash damage, making it a superior defensive building.
That’s why it takes the lead over the Inferno Tower in our upgrade priority list. Upgrading your Scattershots will provide a significant boost to your overall defense, enhancing your base’s ability to withstand enemy attacks.
Scattershot to level 4 upgrade cost: 21,300,000 Gold
Scattershot to level 4 upgrade time: 19 days, 12 hours
Inferno Tower
Inferno Towers got a new level at Town Hall 15. You can now upgrade all of your Inferno Towers to level 9.
You will need a lot of gold and time to upgrade your Inferno Towers to the new level. Even with the addition of Monolith, Inferno Towers are still the highest-damage building in the game when set to single-target mode.
Inferno Tower to level 9 upgrade cost: 21,000,000 Gold
Inferno Tower to level 9 upgrade time: 19 days
Builder’s Hut
The Builder’s Hut serves a dual purpose by not only dealing a good amount of damage but also carrying out repairs on your buildings. This makes it an essential building that should be prioritized for early upgrades.
Builder’s Hut to level 5 upgrade cost: 17,000,000 Gold
Builder’s Hut to level 5 upgrade time: 14 days, 12 hours
X-Bow is another high-priority defensive building because of its range and the damage it deals. X-Bow has a huge range when set to ground mode.
X-Bow to level 10 upgrade cost: 20,000,000 Gold
X-Bow to level 10 upgrade time: 19 days
Air Defense
Being the main aerial defense building, Air Defense always gets a new level at every Town Hall. Upgrade your Air Defenses to defend better against those upgraded Town Hall 15 troops.
Air Defense to level 13 upgrade cost: 19,500,000 Gold
Air Defense to level 13 upgrade time: 18 days
Archer Tower
Archer Towers got a new level at Town Hall 15. Archer Towers can target air and ground units, making them a high-priority upgrade. Put some effort into your Archer Towers to defend better against fellow TH15s.
Archer Tower to level 21 upgrade cost: 18,500,000 Gold
Archer Tower to level 21 upgrade time: 17 days
Wizard Tower
Wizard Towers got a new fiery look at TH15. Wizard Towers can now be upgraded to level 15. Wizard Towers can target air and ground units with splash damage, making them a higher-priority upgrade than the ground-only defenses.
Wizard Tower can wipe out bat spells and other low HP troops in seconds.
Wizard Tower to level 15 upgrade cost: 19,200,000 Gold
Wizard Tower to level 15 upgrade time: 18 days
Hidden Tesla
The Hidden Tesla has a distinct advantage over the Bomb Tower and Cannon due to its ability to inflict damage on both air and ground units. This ability places it ahead in terms of priority points.
Upgrading the Hidden Tesla plays a major role in defending against various attack strategies, as it effectively targets all types of units.
Hidden Tesla to level 14 upgrade cost: 19,100,000 Gold
Hidden Tesla to level 14 upgrade time: 18 days
Bomb Tower
Bomb Tower does a huge amount of death damage when destroyed. Bomb Towers are an absolute nightmare for Hybrid attack strategies. We get a new Bomb Tower level at TH15, giving them a nice magical look.
Bomb Tower to level 10 upgrade cost: 20,000,000 Gold
Bomb Tower to level 10 upgrade time: 18 days
Cannons also get a new level at Town Hall 15, taking their total level to 21. With the addition of the new Electro Titan troop, Cannons might climb up the upgrade priority list in the future because they deal a good amount of damage and have a fair attack rate.
Cannon to level 21 upgrade cost: 18,000,000 Gold
Cannon to level 21 upgrade time: 17 days
Mortar can now be upgraded to level 15 at TH15. Mortars don’t make a lot of difference in defending your village though they can be used to counter Siege Machine when placed closer to the edges of the base.
Mortar to level 15 upgrade cost: 19,000,000 Gold
Mortar to level 15 upgrade time: 18 days
Walls and Traps
You can upgrade all of the wall segments to level 16 at Town Hall 15. This upgrade will buff your village’s wall hitpoints by an extra 1000 HP. This is not a big buff, so walls should be the last thing you upgrade as a TH15.
As for traps, Bomb can be upgraded to level 11, and Air Bomb can be upgraded to level 10.
Wall to level 16 upgrade cost: 8,000,000 Gold or Elixir
Wall to level 16 upgrade time: None
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