Invisibility Spell – Clash of Clans

Invisibility Spell - Clash of Clans

The Invisibility Spell is one of the most used spells in Clash of Clans that becomes available once you reach Town Hall 11. This spell has a unique ability that serves multiple purposes within the game.

One of its functions is to protect your troops by temporarily making them invisible for a few seconds, helping them avoid taking damage.

Additionally, the Invisibility Spell can also be used strategically on enemy buildings. By casting the spell on buildings, you can make them invisible for a short duration, enabling you to guide your troops effectively and ensure they follow the desired path.

The Invisibility Spell provides tactical advantages for both defending your troops and funneling them to the desired location.

Remember that the Invisibility Spell does not work on walls. This means that you cannot use the spell to make walls disappear and create pathways for your troops. Walls remain visible and cannot be affected by the Invisibility Spell.

Furthermore, it’s worth mentioning that the spell does not have the ability to make Siege Machines invisible either. They will remain visible and unaffected by the spell.

Invisibility Spell’s Upgrade Cost & Upgrade Time

LevelDurationUpgrade Cost (Elixirs)Upgrade TimeTown Hall
24 seconds5,600,0005 days, 12 hours11
34.25 seconds7,500,0007 days12
44.5 seconds9,000,0009 days, 12 hours13
Invisibility Spell’s Upgrade Cost and Upgrade Time

Invisibility Spell’s Max Levels

The Invisibility Spell has a total of four levels. The highest level, Level 4, becomes available once you reach Town Hall 13. This spell does not receive any further upgrades at Town Hall 14 and Town Hall 15, and it remains at Level 4.

When you upgrade the Invisibility Spell to the next level, it gains an increase in its effect duration. This means that the spell can make troops and buildings invisible for a slightly longer period of time.

However, the duration improvements with each upgrade are relatively minor, often measured in milliseconds rather than full seconds.

While the duration improvements may seem small, they can still have a subtle impact on the effectiveness of the spell during battles. It is recommended to consider these upgrades as they can provide slight advantages in troop protection and strategic funneling.

  • Max level of Invisibility Spell at Town Hall 11 is level 2.
  • Max level of Invisibility Spell at Town Hall 12 is level 3.
  • Max level of Invisibility Spell at Town Hall 13 is level 4.

Invisibility Spell’s Statistics

RadiusHousing SpaceBrewing Time
4 tiles13 minutes
Invisibility Spell’s Statistics

The Invisibility Spell made its debut in Clash of Clans during the winter update of 2020. This spell holds great power and has a radius of 4 tiles, allowing it to affect a significant area.

In terms of spell management, the Invisibility Spell occupies one housing space in the Spell Factory. When brewing this spell, it requires a brewing time of 3 minutes before it’s ready to be deployed in battle.

When you unlock the Invisibility Spell, you might find it a bit tricky to use at first. That’s because its range is limited, and it only lasts for a short period of time. However, with just a few days of practice, you’ll quickly learn how to master it.

A well-placed Invisibility Spell can provide a valuable defense to your troops by rendering them invisible to enemy defenses. This way, they can safely approach and attack their intended targets.

On the flip side, if you drop an Invisibility Spell at the wrong spot, it might not cover your troops effectively, leaving them vulnerable to enemy defenses.

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By Harris

Harris is a dedicated Clash of Clans player who has been playing the game for years. He shares his knowledge and experience through his blog, ClashDaddy, where he writes in-depth guides on various aspects of the game. Harris is passionate about helping other players to improve in Clash of Clans. When he's not playing or writing about the game, he enjoys spending time with his family.

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