Clash of Clans: TH7 Max Levels List

TH7 Max Levels

Starting off as a Town Hall 7, you may have questions about the maximum levels your buildings and troops can achieve. In this guide, we’ll look into these maximum levels at TH7. By doing so, you’ll gain a clear understanding of your goals, making it easier to plan and prioritize your upgrades.

Max Hero Levels at TH7

When you reach Town Hall 7, a big milestone is unlocking the Barbarian King, the main hero available for players at both TH7 and TH8. The Barbarian King can be upgraded to a maximum level of 10 at Town Hall 7. To upgrade the Barbarian King, you’ll need Dark Elixir, for which you can build a Dark Elixir Storage at TH7 and start collecting Dark Elixirs.

LevelUpgrade Cost (Dark Elixirs)Upgrade Time
25,0004 hours
36,0006 hours
47,0008 hours
58,00010 hours
69,00012 hours
710,00014 hours
811,00016 hours
912,00018 hours
1013,00020 hours
Barbarian King’s Level at Town Hall 7

Max Building Levels at TH7

As you advance to Town Hall 7, you’ll gain access to various new buildings like Hidden Teslas, and you can also upgrade existing buildings to specific maximum levels. Here’s a list of the maximum levels achievable for buildings at TH7:

BuildingMax Level
Spell Factory3
Dark Barracks2
Air Defense5
Air Sweeper3
Archer Tower8
Wizard Tower4
Hidden Tesla3
Gold Storage11
Elixir Storage11
Dark Elixir Storage2
Gold Mine11
Elixir Collector11
Dark Elixir Drill3
Spring Trap2
Air Bomb3
Seeking Air Mine1
TH7 Max Levels for Buildings

When you reach Town Hall 7, the Clan Castle and existing Army Camps won’t receive any additional levels or upgrades. However, you do gain the option to build a new Army Camp, which will remain at the same level as your older ones.

TH7 also unlocks the Hidden Teslas, which can be upgraded up to level 3 at this Town Hall level. Additionally, you have the ability to build the Dark Elixir Storage and the Dark Elixir Drill at TH7. The Dark Elixir Storage can be upgraded to a maximum of level 2, while the Dark Elixir Drill can reach level 3.

Max Laboratory Levels at TH7

When advancing to Town Hall 7, your attack strategies expand with the introduction of three new troops: Dragon, Minion, and Hog Rider. Additionally, you gain access to the Rage Spell.

Each of these troops, both new and existing ones, can be upgraded to specific maximum levels. Here is the list of these maximum levels:


TroopMax Level
Wall Breaker4
Hog Rider2
Max Troop Levels at TH7


SpellMax Level
Healing Spell4
Rage Spell4
Max Spell Levels at TH7


Understanding the maximum levels of buildings and troops at Town Hall 7 is important for proper planning and progression within the game. As you continue to upgrade and fine-tune your base and troops, you’ll inch closer to becoming a powerful player in the Clash of Clans universe.

Keep on building, upgrading, and strategizing to reach new heights of success!

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By Harris

Harris is a dedicated Clash of Clans player who has been playing the game for years. He shares his knowledge and experience through his blog, ClashDaddy, where he writes in-depth guides on various aspects of the game. Harris is passionate about helping other players to improve in Clash of Clans. When he's not playing or writing about the game, he enjoys spending time with his family.

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