Barbarian King Max Levels and Upgrade Cost

Barbarian King is the first hero available in Clash of Clans. You can unlock him at Town Hall 7 by building the Barbarian King Altar, which costs 5,000 Dark Elixirs. It takes no time to build the Barbarian King Altar. Barbarian King’s Max Levels Following are the max levels of Barbarian King for each Town…

Clash of Clans: All Pets Upgrade Cost

Upon reaching Town Hall 14, you have the option to construct the Pet House. This building enables you to unlock and upgrade nine different pets. These pets can be assigned to any hero, following them throughout the battle and providing assistance through special abilities. Each pet has its special ability. The first four pets become…

Archer Queen Max Levels and Upgrade Cost (2024)

The Archer Queen is the second hero in Clash of Clans, and she becomes available for unlocking at Town Hall 9. You can unlock her by building the Archer Queen Altar for a cost of 10,000 Dark Elixirs. Building the altar takes no time. Archer Queen Max Levels Following are the max levels of Archer…

Longest Upgrades in Clash of Clans

In the Town Hall 16 update of December 2023, Clash of Clans pushed changes to the upgrade costs and time of all the buildings in the game. Previously, Eagle Artillery and Clan Castle were the longest upgrades in the game but not anymore. Here are the new longest upgrades in the game: