When it comes to Clash of Clans, finding the best trophy range for inactive bases can be quite challenging, especially for new players who may not have a good understanding of how the game works. However, with a little bit of knowledge and experience, players can learn how to efficiently search for inactive bases in…
Author: Harris
Harris is a dedicated Clash of Clans player who has been playing the game for years. He shares his knowledge and experience through his blog, ClashDaddy, where he writes in-depth guides on various aspects of the game. Harris is passionate about helping other players to improve in Clash of Clans. When he's not playing or writing about the game, he enjoys spending time with his family.
Clash of Clans: TH9 Upgrade Order (Updated)
TH9 is an exciting Town Hall level that unlocks the Archer Queen and X-Bow. As a new TH9 player, you might wonder what to upgrade first. Luckily, we’ve got you covered with this upgrade priority guide for Town Hall 9. By following this guide, you’ll know the best order to upgrade your base and speed…
Clash of Clans: TH10 Upgrade Order (Updated)
TH10 is an excellent Town Hall level that provides players with access to powerful defenses like the Inferno Tower, and potent attacking troops like Bowlers and Miners. Among all the town hall levels, TH10 is known to be the most challenging to attack when fully maxed out. Many players struggle with optimizing their upgrade order,…
Clash of Clans: TH12 Upgrade Order (Updated)
Many players are unsure of what to prioritize when upgrading their new TH12. In this article, we will guide you on how to upgrade your TH12 in the proper order, enabling you to progress faster. Reaching Town Hall 12 is a major milestone in Clash of Clans, as it brings new levels of enjoyment to…
Clash of Clans: TH13 Upgrade Order (Updated)
Reaching Town Hall 13 in Clash of Clans is definitely an exciting milestone to achieve. As a TH13, you are now only two steps away from the highest Town Hall level in the game, Town Hall 15. This milestone unlocks new and improved defense buildings, troops, and spells that can enhance your village’s both defense…
Clash of Clans: Clash Anniversary 2022 and the Mysterious Arcade Machine
Clash of Clans’ 40th anniversary is around the corner, and a lot of clashers are wondering about the mysterious arcade machine that appeared on their bases. I know most of you are scratching your heads and wondering how is it 40 years old even though the game came in 2012. Don’t worry; we will get…