Clash of Clans: Best Base Layouts for Builder Hall 6 in 2023

Best Builder Hall 6 Base Layouts

If you’re looking for the best base layouts to use for your Builder Hall 6, you’ve landed on the right page. We’ve carefully curated a list of top-notch base layouts for BH6 that will undoubtedly help you achieve better results in your Builder Base battles. Each of the layouts featured here has undergone thorough testing and has proven to be incredibly effective, which is precisely why we’re sharing them with you.

Base 1:

Best Builder Hall 6 Base Layout


The first base layout we recommend for Builder Hall 6 has shown impressive results against both air and ground-based attack strategies. The top side of the base is fortified with Air Bombs, strategically placed to ward off air troops that usually come from that direction. On the other hand, the lower section of our layout features the Roaster, ensuring that even if we lose our Air Bombs, the Roaster will continue to fend off incoming air troops. This clever arrangement guarantees maximum protection for your base.

To further enhance our base, we’ve included openings on both the right and left corners of the layout. These openings act as a trap for enemy troops, leading them straight to our Crusher, where they’ll get wiped out instantly. Our Builder Hall is strategically located at the center of the base, surrounded by a cluster of defenses that are ready to defend against incoming attacks. Additionally, Firecrackers have been properly positioned to provide excellent air support for the base.

Base Link: Copy Layout

Base 2:

Best Base for Builder Hall 6 in 2023


The second base layout we have for you has proven to be highly effective in battles, with most attacks failing to penetrate even 50% of the base. Our key buildings are located at the core of the layout, carefully placed to create an impenetrable defense. We understand that Beta Minion attacks are a common occurrence at Builder Hall 6, which is why we’ve strategically positioned our Air Bombs and Roaster to counter such attacks effectively.

We’ve taken extra precautions with our base layout to ensure maximum protection against all types of attacks. Our Roaster and Air Bombs are strategically located within the core of the base, flanking the Builder Hall for added protection. On the top side of the base, we’ve created an opening that leads to our first Crusher. To further protect this area, we’ve installed a Spring Trap and Mine at the opening, creating a deadly trap for unsuspecting troops.

On the opposite side, we’ve used a similar strategy with our second Crusher. This Crusher is cleverly positioned in the open, making it an easy target for ground troops to walk into, only to meet their untimely demise. With this layout, you can be confident in your base’s ability to withstand even the most determined of attacks.

Our base layout features multiple wall formations, each strategically positioned to protect key defenses crucial to the layout’s success. Archer Towers and Cannons are thoughtfully placed to cover most of the sides, providing a strong defense against all types of attacks. Additionally, we’ve placed Double Cannons on the top side of the base, adding an extra layer of protection to this important area.

Base Link: Copy Layout

Base 3:

Best Builder Hall 6 Base Layout 2023


Moving on to our third Builder Hall 6 base layout, this one has shown exceptional promise in Builder Base battles. With the Builder Hall located at the center of the base, we’ve positioned almost every other defense building around it. At the top side of the Builder Hall, we’ve placed the Air Bomb and Roaster to provide added protection against aerial attacks. Continuing further up, we’ve incorporated two Crushers, each with an opening leading to them. With this layout, you can be assured that your base is well-protected and ready to take on any challenger.

In addition to the defenses we’ve already mentioned, our third Builder Hall 6 base layout uses Double Cannons positioned at the top corner of the base, with an Archer Tower located nearby to provide added support. This carefully designed base layout provides optimal protection against both air and ground-based attack strategies.

Base Link: Copy Layout

Base 4:

Best Base for Builder Hall 6 in 2023


Next up, we have the fourth Builder Hall 6 base layout, submitted by one of our clan members. This layout follows a similar pattern to the previous one, with the Builder Hall located in the core of the base and most of the defenses positioned around it. On the bottom right side of the Builder Hall, we’ve strategically placed the Roaster to provide maximum protection against incoming attacks. Additionally, we’ve two small Mines set to air mode, which are highly effective at decimating Beta Minion attacks.

On the bottom side of the Builder Hall, we’ve placed a variety of key defenses, including Air Bombs, Mult Mortar, Archer Tower, and Crusher. Unlike our previous base layout, this time we haven’t left an opening to both of our Crushers. Instead, we’ve let our enemies find their way into our Crusher, where they’ll be met with devastating force.

Base Link: Copy Layout

Base 5:

Best Builder Hall 6 Base Layout 2023


Last but not least, we have our fifth and final Builder Hall 6 base layout, which keeps every defense building situated in its core with the Builder Hall. On the bottom side of the base, we’ve positioned our Crusher and Air Bombs for maximum defense capabilities. To add an extra layer of protection, we’ve also placed multiple traps in front of the Crusher, making it much harder for enemies to reach it.

On the top side of the base, we have a second Crusher that’s supported by several smaller traps designed to take out ground troops. With these defenses in place, you can rest easy knowing that your base is well-protected against any attack strategy.

We’ve strategically positioned our Fire Crackers on the left and right sides of the base layout to provide optimal coverage against a wide range of attack strategies. Additionally, we’ve placed our Roaster at the entrance to the Builder Hall, making it much harder for enemies to penetrate our defenses. This base layout is especially effective against Beta Minion attacks, as our Air Bombs and Roaster are located in the most advantageous positions to take them down.

Base Link: Copy Layout


By Harris

Harris is a dedicated Clash of Clans player who has been playing the game for years. He shares his knowledge and experience through his blog, ClashDaddy, where he writes in-depth guides on various aspects of the game. Harris is passionate about helping other players to improve in Clash of Clans. When he's not playing or writing about the game, he enjoys spending time with his family.

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