Clash of Clans: Best Base Layouts for TH8 in 2023

TH8 Top 5 Base Layouts

Clan wars based on Town Hall 8 are still a popular way to play Clash of Clans. Many players create new accounts solely for the purpose of maxing them out as Town Hall 8s to use in wars. Despite being an older Town Hall level, TH8 offers several potent attack strategies that can pose a significant challenge to any base. To help you stay ahead of the competition, we have compiled a list of the top five base layouts that are perfect for TH8 in clan wars.

Base 1:

TH8 Best Base Layout


Our first base is designed to defend against air attacks, with excellent placement of Air Defenses. These defenses cover three sides of the base, and we’ve also placed an Air Sweeper that provides additional air defense coverage. To improve our defense further, all of our Archer Towers have been strategically placed on the side that lacks an Air Defense.

The core of the base contains Town Hall, Clan Castle, and Bomb Tower. Additionally, we’ve placed three Hidden Teslas in a box formation at the bottom of the Town Hall. To counter a potential mass Hog Rider attack, we’ve placed the Barbarian King closer to the Town Hall, ready to defend at a moment’s notice. Overall, this base offers a robust defense against air and ground attacks alike.

Base Link: Copy Layout

Base 2:

TH8 Best Base Layout


Our second Town Hall 8 base layout is a war base designed to fend off both air and ground attacks. We’ve placed the Air Defenses closer to the core of the base, providing coverage from all sides. Additionally, the Air Sweeper is pointed towards the bottom of the base, providing an extra layer of air support.

At the center of the base, we’ve positioned the Clan Castle, along with a Wizard Tower, an Air Defense, and two Giant Bombs. The dual Giant Bombs have been strategically placed to counter any Hog Riders that might try to attack our base, making it difficult for them to achieve a three-star victory. We’ve also placed air traps around the base, carefully positioned to maximize their effectiveness in stopping enemy air units.

Base Link: Copy Layout

Base 3:

TH8 Best Base Layout


Our third Town Hall 8 base layout can effectively defend against both air and ground attacks. We’ve strategically placed the Air Defenses to give Mass Dragon attacks a hard time. The Clan Castle is located in the core of the base, surrounded by an Air Sweeper and three Hidden Teslas, providing additional protection against aerial units.

To prevent the enemy from achieving a three-star victory, we’ve placed the Town Hall outside of the base. Additionally, we’ve included a Seeking Air Mine, ready to ambush any enemy air units that might target the Town Hall. Our defenses have been scattered around the base, making it difficult for attackers to plan their approach and giving them a hard time. Overall, this base offers a solid defense against both ground and air attacks, making it an excellent choice for Town Hall 8 clan wars.

Base Link: Copy Layout

Base 4:

TH8 Best Base Layout


The fourth base design is a personal favorite of mine, one that I’ve used extensively in Town Hall 8 wars. The layout has excellent placement of Air Defenses that provide coverage from all sides of the base. We’ve also positioned the Air Sweeper to face the Air Defenses, effectively preventing Dragons from reaching them.

The Town Hall is located closer to the core of the base, alongside the Clan Castle and multiple Archer Towers, offering added protection against both ground and air attacks. Additionally, we’ve placed three Hidden Teslas near the Town Hall to provide an extra layer of defense against attackers.

Base Link: Copy Layout

Base 5:

TH8 Best Base Layout


Our final Town Hall 8 base layout is a hybrid base design that is suitable for both farming and clan wars. The Clan Castle is positioned at the core of the base, providing optimal defense to the layout. To defend against aerial attacks, we’ve placed the Air Defenses strategically, ensuring that all four sides of the base are covered. The Air Sweeper has been placed on the right side, facing the Air Defenses, to make it difficult for Dragons and other airborne units to penetrate the base.

This hybrid layout is an excellent option for those who are looking for a base design that can be used for both farming and clan wars. Its balanced defense provides adequate protection against ground and air attacks, making it a good base for Town Hall 8 players.

Base Link: Copy Layout

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By Harris

Harris is a dedicated Clash of Clans player who has been playing the game for years. He shares his knowledge and experience through his blog, ClashDaddy, where he writes in-depth guides on various aspects of the game. Harris is passionate about helping other players to improve in Clash of Clans. When he's not playing or writing about the game, he enjoys spending time with his family.

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