Clash of Clans: Best Builder Hall 9 Bases for 2023

Best 5 Builder Hall 9 Base Layouts

A good base design is always the key to winning the attack. Clash of Clans is all about creating proper layouts and deciding what strategy would work on the enemy base. We have gathered a list of Top 5 Builder Hall 9 bases that worked pretty well for us in the past few days. All of the designs are well-tested by us.

Base 1:

Best Builder Hall 9 Base Layout


The first base is anti-air attacks. We have placed Air Bombs on the left side of the base close to the Builder Hall. Air spammers would usually attack from that side. We also have a Mega Mine set to air on that side and a couple of high HP buildings to slow down the attackers. 

Speaking of the right side, that’s where most of our defense is. We have Roaster close to the Builder Hall. The Roaster is surrounded by Mega Tesla and Lava Launcher. Anyone who would go for a ground attack would likely come from the right side.

Base Link: Copy Layout

Base 2:

Best Builder Hall 9 Base Layout


The second base was used in the last Builder Base trophy season and the base finished in the top 200 Builder Bases. We have placed the Air Bombs similar to the previous base though we have placed three Mega Mines around the Builder Hall this time. Air attackers are likely to rush from this side and would lose a lot of troops to the Mega Mines.

On the upper side of Builder, we have the Roaster, Mega Tesla, and Lava Launcher. Ground attackers would likely attack from the right side because that’s the easiest entry to the base. We have Crusher and Mega Cannon to welcome them on the both right and left sides.

Base Link: Copy Layout

Base 3:

Best Builder Hall 9 Base Layout


The third base is another single-box base. We have Air Bombs again on the top side of Builder Hall and a Mega Mine to stop spammers from getting into the base. A second layer of walls is placed on the top right side of the Builder Hall so enemy ground troops have to work their way into the walls. We have given enemies a little opening on the left side to make them attack from that side. We have a Crusher and a couple of other defenses to stop enemy troops on the left side.

Talking about the lower bottom, that’s where most of our defenses are. We have Crusher, Mega Cannon, and Lava Launcher on this side.

Base 4:

Best Builder Hall 9 Base Layout


This base was sent to us by RemzovClash. The base has a good place for Roaster and Airbombs. Even though the defenses are not very well-upgraded still it performed pretty well in the league season and is currently sitting over 4000 trophies.  We have an open on the top left side. If a Bomber is not used, your ground troops will have a long path to cover in order to reach the heart of the base.

Base Link: Copy Layout

Base 5:

Best Builder Hall 9 Base Layout


The last base we have is sent by Drip. The base is currently in sitting over 5500 trophies and gave pretty decent results. We have Roaster and Airbombs on the bottom of Builder Hall to get rid of spammed air troops. The top of the Builder Hall is protected by Mega Tesla and Lava Launcher. We have a Crusher on either side of the Builder Hall. We have a good placement of Firecrackers too.

Base Link: Copy Layout

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By Harris

Harris is a dedicated Clash of Clans player who has been playing the game for years. He shares his knowledge and experience through his blog, ClashDaddy, where he writes in-depth guides on various aspects of the game. Harris is passionate about helping other players to improve in Clash of Clans. When he's not playing or writing about the game, he enjoys spending time with his family.

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