Clash of Clans: Best Base Layouts for TH9 in 2023

Top 5 Town Hall 9 Base Layouts

Town Hall 9 bases have a lot of potential of defending against 3-star attacks if a proper base is created. A good Town Hall 9 base covers both air and ground attacks. We have gathered a list of the Top 5 base layouts for Town Hall 9 to help you defend better against all kinds of attacks and to make sure your opponent doesn’t get what he wants.

Base 1:

TH9 Best War Base


The first base we have is an anti-3-star base. The base kind of looks like a flying jet. We have scattered Mortars outside the walls around the base so we can fight off GoWitch attacks. The base does pretty well against the popular GoWitch attacks. We mostly got 2-starred in the last 10 clan wars we fought with this base. Town Hall is placed inside the walls on the upper side of the base.

The base has a lot of box formations to counter ground attacks so the troops would get busy on the walls wasting a lot of attack time. Clan Castle is placed on the opposite side of the Town Hall. We would suggest a Lava Hound in Clan Castle so enemies can be slowed down.

Base Link: Copy Layout

Base 2:

TH9 Best War Base


The second base is another anti-3-star war base. We have Town Hall at the bottom corner of the base. Protecting the Town Hall is not the priority here. All we need is for the enemy to lack a star at the end of the battle. We have placed Archer Queen and Barbarian King in the core of the base. X-Bows are just around them at a distance of a few tiles.

Clan Castle is inside the second layer of walls just before the Heroes. We would again suggest taking a Lava Hound in your Clan Castle that way you can slow down your enemies. Mortars are again outside the walls so we can get rid of Witches that get in the core of the base.

Base Link: Copy Layout

Base 3:

TH9 Best War Base


The third base follows the same pattern of Town Hall as the other two bases. We have Town Hall in the bottom corner of the base. Heroes are placed on the right corner of the base. We have Clan Castle inside the core of the base. Mortars are placed outside to counter GoWitch attacks. Air Defenses cover all four sides of the base. X-Bows are set to air to counter LavaLoon attacks.

Base Link: Copy Layout

Base 4:

TH9 Best War Base


The fourth base is an anti-3-star war base. We have placed Town Hall on one side of the base with Heroes being in the box on its right side. We have Air Sweeper facing two sides of the base. Air Defenses are well-placed on all sides of the base. Mortars are outside the walls again to counter Witch Slap attacks. This base can be used for both Farming and War. Clan Castle is with resource storages closer to the core of the base.

Base Link: Copy Layout

Base 5:

TH9 Best War Base


We have the final base on our hands now. The base again tries to stop the enemy from 3-starring your base. We have placed Air Defenses in a way that it would be hard for LavaLoons attacks to penetrate the base. Air Sweepers have been placed in a way that they cover at least 3 sides of the base. Clan Castle is almost in the center of the base. We would suggest taking a Lava Hound in your Clan Castle to increase your chances of survival. Mortars are again spread around the base outside the walls.

Base Link: Copy Layout


By Harris

Harris is a dedicated Clash of Clans player who has been playing the game for years. He shares his knowledge and experience through his blog, ClashDaddy, where he writes in-depth guides on various aspects of the game. Harris is passionate about helping other players to improve in Clash of Clans. When he's not playing or writing about the game, he enjoys spending time with his family.

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