Clash of Clans: Builder Hall 7 (BH7) Upgrade Order

Builder Hall 7 introduces exciting new buildings and a powerful Giant Cannon which makes it an enjoyable BH level for players. But it is important to follow the right upgrade guide to avoid lengthy maxing-out times. By following the correct upgrade order, you can effectively compete against other BH7 players and efficiently upgrade your Base.…

Clash of Clans: Builder Hall 6 (BH6) Upgrade Order

Builder Hall 6 marks the point in Builder Base where things start to get interesting. It’s at this level that you unlock the second phase of the Builder Base. When your Builder Hall completes its upgrade to level 6, you will gain immediate access to OTTO, who acts as the second builder. OTTO’s addition will…

Clash of Clans: Builder Hall 5 (BH5) Upgrade Order

Builder Hall 5 is an exciting level in Clash of Clans that players thoroughly enjoy. It introduces two fantastic units, the Battle Machine and Cannon Cart, which add a new dimension to gameplay. Moreover, it introduces the Multi Mortar and allows players to upgrade all defense buildings to higher levels. Understanding the optimal upgrade order…

X-Bow (Builder Base): Upgrade Cost, Time, and Levels

On May 15, 2023, Builder Base welcomed its very own X-Bow, a defensive building. This particular defense shares a similar texture and model with the X-Bow found in the Home Village. However, it operates in a different manner from its counterpart. To unlock the X-Bow in Builder Base, players need to reach Builder Hall 10.…

Electrofire Wizard: Upgrade Cost and Upgrade Time

The Electrofire Wizard is an incredible new troop for the Builder Base that adds a fresh dimension to attack strategies. You can unlock the Electrofire Wizard when you reach the final Builder Hall level, Builder Hall 10. This remarkable troop possesses two distinct attacking modes: Inferno Mode and Electro Mode. In Inferno Mode, the Electrofire…

Healing Hut: Upgrade Cost and Upgrade Time

The Healing Hut, a brand new building unlocked at Builder Hall 6, plays a vital role in multi-stage attacks within the Builder Base. With the introduction of multi-stage attacks, this building becomes a necessity. Its primary function is to ensure that your troops receive some of their hitpoints back before moving to the next phase…